Solar resource in Cochabamba

The measurement of the solar radiation in Bolivia is of great importance because photovoltaic generation systems can be found at high altitudes (up to 4000 m.a.s.l. or more). The efficiency of mentioned systems depends on the intensyty of the solar radiation, but at high altitudes the UVA component of solar spectrum negatively influences the production of photovoltaic solar energy.

We are collecting information about the solar resource since December 2020 in our Campus in Cochabamba (2500 m.a.s.l). You can find the data collected with our pyranometers clicking on the image.


a) Solar radiation: CMP6 Pyranometer (KIPP & ZONEN). Spectral range: 285-2800 nm

b) Ultraviolet solar radiation: LP UVA 02 (Delta Ohm). Spectral range: 315-400 nm

Location (Cochabamba): 17°23’57.0″S 66°13’06.7″W

Thanks to the EUBBC-Digital, we will be able to deploy solar measuring equipment in the 3 campuses of our University to allow students to analyze the collected data and run experiments with the remote labs.